Meet our client: Fundo El Peumo, Chile

Fundo El Peumo is the largest egg producer and trader in the south of Chile. In total, 700.000 birds produce daily eggs from different origin in the Fundo El Peumo houses. Next to the regular brown and white eggs Fundo El Peumo supplies in green and blue eggs. Fundo El Peumo has its own feed mill and distribution. Nelson Aguilar, technical director, is responsible for nutrition, health, and management of the poultry operation. He is attached to Fundo El Peumo for 4 years and has over 10 years of extensive experience in poultry business.

In October 2022, El Peumo decides to choose for PoultryPlan as an integrated system to manage all poultry related activities with the reason to make decisions based on data. Before using PoultryPlan many excel files were used to keep track on the operation. Difficulties like comparing results, chance of errors were reason to look for an integrated poultry system. Fundo selected 4 poultry software suppliers. After an intensive selection procedure Fundo made a choice for PoultryPlan as the one with the most complete package and flexible, customer friendly way of working.  

The use of PoultryPlan has brought a lot of advantages for Fundo. The team would like to expand the use in a deeper way to gain more benefits.